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Sites to visit in the Holy Land

Sites to visit in the Holy Land

Selected Sites you can visit in the Holy Land



The Basilica of the Annunciation

The Church of St. Joseph

The Franciscan Museum

Mary of Nazareth International Center

The spring of the Virgin Mary

The Synagogue Church

St. Gabriel Church

Mount of the Precipice

(Mensa Christ Church)


In Galilee


Sepphoris(Church of Sts. Anne and Joachim)

Cana (Church of the First Miracle)

Mount Tabor(Church of the Transfiguration)

Lake Kinneret (Tiberias)


The Church of the House of St. Peter

The Church of the twelve Apostles

Church of the Multiplication

Mount of the Beatitudes

Kibbutz Ginosar (“Jesus Boat”)

Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

Magdala (First century Synagogue)



The Monastery of Stella Maris 

Elijah’s Cave

Monastery of the Prophet Elijah (Deir al-Muhraka)


Ein Karem

Church of St. John the Baptist

Church of the Visitation

Abu Ghosh

Our Lady of the Ark of the Covenant Church

The Abbey of St. Mary of the Resurrection 


The Western Wall

The Temple Mount

The Church of St. Anne (Bethesda Pool)

The Via Dolorosa

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Church of the Redeemer

Church of St. Mark

City of David National Park 

The Cenacle

The Dormition Abbey

The Tomb of the Virgin Mary 

The Israel Museum

Convent of the Rosary

Convent of Notre Dame de Sion



On the way to Bethlehem The tomb of Rachel

The Basilica of the Nativity

The Milk Grotto


Beit Jamal

The Salesian Monastery

Convent of the Nuns of Bethlehem of the Assumption of the Virgin


Deir Rafat

Catholic Shrine at Deir Rafat Monastery



National Park


Jordan River

Baptismal site 



St. Peter’s Church


Dead Sea

Ein Gedi



Negev Desert